Automatic SMS greetings
We taught our GnomGuru to memorize important client dates and to remind them in order to send congratulations automatically!
We all like to be thought of and reminded that others do care. Especially when it’s about birthdays. So for a business person it’s critical to remember important client dates and congratulate your customers. That is why we taught our Gnom to send automatic congratulations for you and save your time!
Besides, important dates for the Customer — an additional opportunity to make us being reminded again and to initiate talks for a new meeting. With automatic sending messages it has become extremely convenient!
EXAMPLE: An example of an automatic invitation for 7 days before a holiday: #Name#, congratulations on your upcoming Happy Birthday. I want to offer you a gift. Can we speak on one of these days?

With GnomGuru assistant you can send advance, automatic and personalized SMS invitations. Of course the most beloved and important persons are worth the cost of calling.
To start, define the Congratulations
templates in Menu / Settings / Notifications / Templates Greetings. Edit or delete existing templates and add the ones you need for your personal goals.

For effective contact management, it is advisable not to send the same
congratulations’ messages every year. Change them annually so the clients won’t receive the same message over and over again.
Change the text of all the congratulations’ messages easily. To do this, just change the template text.

The option Holiday
means that the date in the Template has already been defined and cannot be changed. Use this option for standard events that are bound to a specific rigid date (New Year, March 8, Christmas, etc.)
In the template (and the congratulations), it will be determined whether to notify you about the event and/or to send an automatic SMS if necessary.
Do not “round up” the time for the Congratulation
SMS. Messages that are sent at round-up hours (ex. Exactly at 12:00) will look like automatically generated messages which is particularly important in customer accounting and is aimed at saving lots of trouble to a business person.
Now add important dates for each client.

View a list of important dates, which can be checked on the main application window by clicking the More

You can call the Client or send a SMS right away. Our app carries out bulk SMS campaign to inform client in just couple of clicks!
Of course, you can use this for personal reasons, too. In order to quickly and easily congratulate friends and relatives. GnomGuru App cares about every client you have so feel free to choose any addressee you need.
This feature is available for the «Assistant» plan
If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer you!
Go to the «Contacts» section or write us a mail: